
Showing posts from 2021

Welcome Home Theseus - Technoblade Fanart

  TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES And two very poggers hands! And also because the game comes out today, and I have no pokemon fanart prepared, here's some of my plans for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl! I'm going to use Infernape, Togekiss, Luxray, Garchomp, Weavile, and Gastrodon. And I'm getting Brilliant Diamond. Stay Awesome! <3

Unfinished Symphony - Dream SMP Fanart

  Time: Approx. 1.5 Hours Character: Wilbur Soot (Dream SMP) So... I've been absorbed. Here's some C!Wilbur fanart for y'all. I've kind of been hyper fixated on the L'Manburg part of the Dream SMP, so expect a bunch of fanart for that. I'm thinking of doing some Technoblade fanart here soon. Maybe some Ghostbur?  If you for some reason can't tell what this drawing is supposed to be, it's supposed to be just after Wilbur presses the "blow up L'Manburg" button. I'm pretty proud of this whole thing. If your wondering why pen pressure has left the chat, that's because I lost my tablet pen. I'm going to try and find it, but it's not the biggest deal for now. Stay Awesome! <3

Inbetween - Nanowrimo 2021 Announcement

  Sup everybody! As you could probably guess, I am doing Nanowrimo yet again this year. I unfortunately didn't win Nanowrimo last year ( check out my posts about nano 2020! ), but this year it will hopefully be different. Let me introduce to you: my 2021 Nanowrimo project! Here is my synopsis for Inbetween: " Alistor Charmichael-Freeman lives a normal, satisfying life. But he wishes for more. Until one morning he wakes up 12 years in the past, being told he's been a coma for six months. He's 13 again. But something isn't quite right with this time. People still remember things that happened in the 12 years Alistor supposedly made up. He has to confront the forces behind this change, and look inside himself before everything he knows falls apart. " ... Yes it's an Asteroids and Dragons sequel story, shut up. The funny thing is I haven't actually shared the actual story for Asteroids and Dragons, so the fact that this is a sequel to something I've ne

Call an Ambulance - My Hero Academia Fanart

  Oh hey a comic!! I'm pretty dang proud of it. Also don't ask me how season one Deku is using full cowling on his arm. I don't know. Stay awesome! <3

Chained to the Rhythm - Deltarune Spoilers

  So! I've played Deltarune chapter 2! I have a lot of thought about it too. If you have not played chapter 2 yet, please go play it now and then come back! So! Queen is my favorite character from this new chapter. She's literally so funny and gives me serious Mettaton vibes. Beardly (i think that's how you spell his name) is also pretty great as comic relief. Noelle is a very soft bean. NOELLE AND SUSIE BETTER END UP TOGETHER OR I WILL RIOT. And a bit about this drawing. I had a bit of a freak out when Determination got mentioned. "IS CHARA THE KNIGHT?!" is the only thought that went through my brain. But I've seen a lot of fan theories that Kris is the knight. Which I guess makes sense after... the end of the game and the scene I've drawn here. I don't really know how to interpret this, but I definitely don't think Kris is trying to be malicious. They took out the soul after the fountain got opened. My personal theory is that the soul is either C

Buttercups - Undertale Fanart

  This is literally my favorite drawing of Chara I have ever done!! Stay Awesome! <3

Kendra Sketch - Asteroids and Dragons

Total Time: Approx. 30 minutes Character: Kendra Andrews I don't have much to say about this except I liked the sketch and didn't want to ink it. I really like how it turned out! If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments! Stay awesome! <3  

Peridot - Steven Universe Fanart

  Total Time: Approx. 6 Hours Character: Peridot Oh look! Another attempt at rendering! I think this is my most successful attempt yet! I recently got HBO Max, and so I've been binging Steven Universe since I can watch all of it at once now. I have seen the first three seasons a few times, and I'm currently on my second watch through of season four. I am still yet to finish season 5, though I skipped forward to the movie because I love Spinel and all of the music. Still haven't seen any of Future yet! Peridot is by far my favorite character! I mean, except for Stevonnie and Garnet. She just has all those good fluffy feelings and all that juicy backstory jazz. She's one of my biggest inspirations for writing bubbly characters. On this drawing, I did it all with the pen brush and the pencil brush. The pencil brush was on opacity by pressure and had line weight by pressure off. As always, feel free to ask any questions you have about digital art! Stay awesome! <3

The Goop Master - Asteroids and Dragons

Total Time: Approx. 1.5 Hours Character: Chloe Charmichael I'm trying to do a lot more "concept" art for Asteroids and Dragons, and I'm trying to really develop these characters visually. Chloe is one of my favorite Asteroids and Dragons characters. She's definitely the shortest of the main three. She's chaotic good and an elf. Chloe was really the first character I played around with exaggerating the shape language on, but that doesn't really translate well into three-quarters view. Have to work some more on that. As always, I am happy to answer any questions about my digital art process, this blog, or my characters! There is a new Sisters comic on the way, so stay tuned! Stay awesome! <3  

2021 Profile Picture - Digital Art

  Total Time: Approx. 1.5 Hours Character: Yours truly :) I subconsciously started doing a yearly redraw of my profile picture, and here is the most recent rendition! Below are all of my previous versions in order! 2018 -  When I first started making digital art! I didn't know how to blend or anything and I still used my weird pupil style. 2019 - I'm a little bit more experienced with digital art at this point, using some color dodge layers here, but I'm still really inexperienced. Intro to the weird hair shape and the iconic blue hoodie! 2020 - I'm a lot better at digital art at this point, but I'm still really not very good. The unvaried line weight is indicative of when I lost my tablet pen charger, so it's very weird and not as good as it could be. I'm also just now noticing that my bangs in my art changed sides between 2019 and 2020 and that bugs me so much. 2021 - I didn't even intend for this one to have the exact same pose and such as the 2020 pi

Peace, Love, and Plants - Hermitcraft 8 Fanart

  Total Time: Approx. 1 Hour Character: MumboJumbo Hermitcraft 8 has officially started! I watched Hermitcraft season 7 start to finish from Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall's perspectives and started watching Scar and Impulse in the middle of the season. For Hermitcraft 8, I'm watching Mumbo, Grian, Iskall, Scar, and Impulse so far. I still want to watch Tango, Bdubs, False, Pearl, and Cleo but I haven't watched their episode ones yet. I opted for a red color for the shading for a brighter feel. Multiply layers, add layers with gaussian blur, gradients, the whole shebang. I'm not the proudest of the highlights on the hair and mustache, though that mustache is fabulous. If you know of anyway to get that kind of glow on a pure black color, please let me know! I will definitely be doing some more fanart of Hermitcraft 8, and definitely of the Boatem pole squad. If you watch Hermitcraft, who are you watching for season 8? Also, if you have any questions on my digital art process,

Evil Team Meeting - Asteroids and Dragons

  Total Drawing Time:  Approx. 4 hours Characters: Eli Jenson Kendra Andrews Jeff Devon So sorry for not posting last Friday! But I am back, and I'm here with some Asteroids and Dragons art! I don't know if I've ever done stuff with Jeff on this blog except for the Asteroids and Dragons x Undertale art I did, and I know for a fact I've never posted something with Eli in it. My main problem with this drawing is Kendra's arm. It's wayyyy to big and I could have easily shrunk it. I like the poses of Jeff and Eli in their chairs, though none of these characters are the correct heights. I used my normal shading tone for lighting and shadows. I like the look of the cell shading but blended highlights (I used gaussian blur for that) I do actually have an announcement about Asteroids and Dragons! I am official putting a comic version of the story into production! I'm not sure when I will start posting the web comic, but it will be on this blog hopefully within the n

It's Showtime - Undertale Fanart

  Drawing Time: Approx. 3 Hours Character: Mettaton EX Have I mentioned how much I enjoy doing these Undertale screenshot type things? On this one, I am especially proud of the fog effect. I used a large air brush with a light gray, and then made that layer a protect alpha layer and did a darker gray with the same air brush. (i'm also pretty happy it covered the feet XD) Stay Awesome! <3

The Son of Poseidon - PJO Fanart

  Drawing Time: Approx. 2.5 hours Character: Percy Jackson I'm getting a bit back into the groove of posting, so that's fun! I have so many PJO/HOO fanart ideas saved up from my time away and I'm so excited to post them! I used some sea green to do all the shading and lighting on multiply and add layers respectively. I'm pretty proud of the glow effect on the trident. Stay Awesome! <3 

Drawing Myself as a Pokémon Protagonist #1 - Pokémon Fanart

  If you've been following my blog for a while, you would know that I had a very short lived comic called Pokémon Delta Emerald. I still don't have plans to continue it, but I thought it'd be cool to draw myself as the protagonist from ORAS. I think it'd be super fun to draw myself in other Pokémon games as well, so if this does well expect more self insert drawings in the future! Stay Awesome! <3

Imposter - Asteroids and Dragons x Among Us

Drawing time: Approx. 1 hour Character: Ella La Rue I used some red on add and multiply layers for lighting. I had a bit of trouble with the hair, but I like how it turned out! Also, happy Pride Month!!!  🌈🌈🌈 Stay awesome! <3  

Into the Depths of Tartarus - PJO/HOO Fanart

Oh look! Some art in FireAlpaca! How cool is that??? I used a pale red for shading, highlights, and an overlay. I tried some colored line art on this, and I actually really like it! Stay awesome! <3  

Chloe - Asteroids and Dragons

  Hey look, I made something! It's Chloe! I'll start occasionally posting art again, but I'm not devoting to a schedule for now. Stay Awesome <3