My Characters In Undertale - Asteroids and Dragons x Undertale Redraw

Characters: Candace Andrews as Frisk Cathrine Andrews as Flowey Kendra Andrews as Chara Eli Jenson as Mettaton Andy Harris as Napstablook Chloe Charmichael as Sans Anya Adams as Papyrus Time: Approx. 5 Hours Original I actually really enjoyed the original of this drawing! But it was just too outdated and I decided to update it. There are two character swap outs from the original. I decided to make Eli be Mettaton instead of Carter. If you know anything about Eli's character, you'd probably be able to guess why this makes more sense. Eli is an absolute showman and I could see him threatening some of the good guys with chainsaws and baking shows. I also switched out Jeff as Flowey for a character who is making her first appearance on my blog: Cathrine! Cathrine is Candace and Kendra's sister. She's the middle child, actually. I think of Cathrine as more of Asriel in this AU, but Asriel and Flowey are the same person, hence Cathrine is Flowy. Some characters who aren...