My OC's in Undertale - Asteroids and Dragons x Undertale

Total Drawing Time: Approx. 4 Hours.


Candace - Frisk

Kendra - Chara

Chloe - sans

Anya - Papyrus

Jeff - Flowey

Carter - Mettaton

Andy - Napstablook

I'm really proud of this drawing! I really like the effect on Andyblook. This was my first time drawing Carter digitally, so I had to make up his color pallet on the spot. Fun Fact: I made the soul in Carter's belt yellow because canonically yellow soul stands for perseverance. The "glitch" effect on Jeff's face was unintentional, but I really like it. Also, the knife Kendra is holding is the best "holding a knife" poses I ever drawn. (I reused it in the drawing you'll see on friday) I think the worst ones are Anya and Carter, as I didn't really try to make their designs truly the Undertale character. I think the rest are really solid.

This is the first time I've drawn a large group shot and I hope to draw more. I shaded on a multiply layer and did highlights on an add layer, blended with a blur brush, and I used a pinky lavender color for both ( Hex code: #E4BBED ). I also did a dark purple overlay layer clipped to the whole drawing at a super low opacity.

Please let me know if you like the longer deep dives on my art. And I leave you with a closing question... Is the an Asteroids and Dragons AU or an Undertale AU?

Stay Awesome! <3


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