Writer's Block and Deviating From My Outline - NaNoWriMo Week 1
ACCESSING FILE... PROJECT TITLE: CAPTIVATED CURRENT WORD COUNT: 9,026 WORDS So. How have we gotten here to day seven? I don't know, but I am already feeling the "not wanting to write" and "wanting to do anything but work on my novel". The month started out with a really good 2,000 some words on the first day. And then Chapter Two hit. Writer's Block hit real quick after that. This is a screenshot of my outline. By about... the second square I deviated from my plans. I'm not going to put a screenshot of the next bit because SPOILERS . But the problem is worse later on. I'm also supposed at 11,000 some words by the end of today. I'm either going to need to sprint hard or I'm going to be pretty behind. I need to go try and be productive. Stay Awesome! <3