NaNoWriMo Announcement/Story Synopsis
Hello! I haven't posted in a while. Why whenever I say "Stay tuned!" in a post I go into a huge hiatus? Anyhow, I have a huge project coming up that I'd like to talk about a bit... National Novel Writing Month. Or NaNoWriMo, as it is more commonly called. I've attempted to do NaNo three years in a row, and this year is the year that a finish it! NaNo is starting in a little over a week as I am writing this, which means I am in a scramble to finish all of my preparations. I still need to solidify some character arcs and finish world-building for the country. But, I won't be getting into that right now. But I will get into some basic details of my novel. My novel is called Captivated. It's a YA "competition" book as I like to call it. Other competition books are The Hunger Games and The Selection. Both of which are fabulous trilogies*. Captivated is pretty similar in pitch to The Selection. A bunch of kids get chosen to go be a part of a competiti...