
Showing posts from June, 2020

Some MORE Hermitcraft FanArt

So, I drew this AFTER Scar was elected. I just wanted to draw Grian as the campaign manager. Also, if you haven't watched Hermitcraft please do! I'm most likely going to be posting about it a lot! Also, HAMILFILM HYPE!!!! Stay Awesome! <3

Audry Design - UPDATED!

I just got a new charger for my tablet pen and I am so happy to be using it again! This isn't really a substantial design change, mostly just simplifying it. It looks pretty blocky, but I can't say I'm mad. Also, I'm on stay-cation this week, so no Friday post! Stay Awesome! <3

Life Advice with Quin

Look! It's a new comic! I've been having some really bad art block recently, so I'm really happy I was able to get a comic out. Honestly I'm surprised I didn't miss a blog upload. I hope you enjoy! Also, I got a new charger for my drawing tablet pen, so this should be the last post drawn with a track-pad. Stay Awesome! <3

Band-Aid Girl - Color Pallete Challenge

I made the color pallete on Coolors , but unfortunately I didn't save the pallete. This drawing is not my favorite, but not my worst. I just needed a drawing to post today. Stay Awesome! <3

New PFP!

I've been using this PFP for a little while, but I thought I should post it! I think it's become a tradition that every year I redraw my PFP, and I just kinda do it on accident. I like this aesthetic and will be using it as the main aesthetic on this blog coming soon. Stay Awesome! <3 

How I Go About Making Comics

     Hey, I hope your all doing fantastic. I'm Ritatastic! And this is a bit of a new thing that I'm trying out. For some reason, I think you guys care about my creative processes (please let me know if you don't; writing these articles takes forever). Therefore, I am going to start doing these little tutorial... type.. actual... blog posts.     Back on track! What is this about, you may ask. Well, you saw the title. How I go about making comics! This will be divided into two parts: Strips and Full Pages. Because how I go about making those two types is totally different!     A bit of back ground before I get in, though. Even though the main types of comics I post are strips, I actually make full page comics a lot more. Despite this I have a more concrete method of making comic strips, so that section will be more informative. This method is subject to change, this is just how I do it now. Also, I won't be talking about my specific digital art process....

How Do You Use this Darn Thing?

This is just a little drawing of my OC Candace trying to use a phone. That's why there's that glow on her hand. And also the little blushies. Stay Awesome! <3

Ice Cream - Comic Redraw

I drew this comic originally in 2018 in MS Paint. I thought it was pretty funny, so I wanted to redraw it! I've been going through a thing recently where I don't know what to do for comics. I can't come up with ideas for comics. But I'm really trying! So, be patient and I'll try and make some comics, but it just isn't as fun as it used to be. Stay Awesome! <3

Finale - Undertale Fanart

I'm really proud of this drawing! This post is gonna have a little more text than usual, so if you haven't played Undertale and want to avoid spoilers, this is you spoiler warning. So, as you can probably tell, I love Undertale to bits. I've 100% completed the game once (Neutral and then True Pacifist) and am currently working through my second playthrough. This art work, if you can't tell, takes place during the Photoshop Flowey battle when all the souls rebel and are helping you. I put some fire in the foreground because Flowey shoots fire during the battle and I thought it made the drawing look more interesting. Since this drawing looked so good, I wanted to make lightning strike two more times. My plan was to draw a piece similar to this one but with Asriel breaking the barrier and then one with Chara and all the souls broken and the "9999999" in the background. I drew the first one and it didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to. So I have yet to do...