Fairy Project Pictures
This was a school assignment. We had to create a life-sized "fairy" and come up with five direct character traits for it. We also made a "Facebook" Page for the fairies, and that is where these pictures came from. Ah. I always find a way for Quin and Audry to slither into my school assignments. If you're wondering, Audry is a french fry fairy. The wings are supposed to be ketchup and mustard. And, side note, no, they are not actual wings, they are on her backpack. This was a competition, too. They just haven't been ranked yet. When they are, I'll let you guys know. Also, if you guys want to read to read my story that I also had to write for this assignment, click this link to be instantly transported to it! Audry's Fairy Story Okay, guys! Hope you all enjoyed this post. If you have any questions, be sure to comment them down below! Just in case, here is a tutorial on how to ask a question you'd like put in a blog QandA. How to Submi...